While Muesli Munch is a great base food even by itself, we recommend the following toppings to enhance the flavor and/or nutrition content. We've listed a few topping favorites on the package -- like fresh berries, diced apples or sliced bananas. These are classics, of course. If you want to make it sweeter, try a drizzle of organic honey or maple syrup. For those of you who are into enhancing taste and keep your sugar levels down (glycemic index) try sprinkling cinnamon on top of your muesli.
If you are in the snacking mode, then just spoon some cottage cheese or crunchy peanut butter (or almond butter is great too) on top of your Muesli Munch.
You see Muesli Munch can travel with you wherever you go so you'll always have just the right breakfast or snack with you -- no hard choices to make that will tempt you off your healthy eating plan. Sean's Muesli Munch is delicious and healthy. Just get some fruit or peanut butter to top it off!
Two toppings not listed on packaging, which we recommend, are chia seeds (ground or powder) or flax (ground only). Both contain high Omega 3’s and additional protein, which is especially great to top Muesli Munch with, when used as a pre-workout meal. While chia provides Omega 3s whole or ground, studies show that flax must be ground to receive the best nutrition benefits.